We are looking to invite authors to contribute content on this blog. Anyone can submit a guest post to post on this blog, however, the post should be related to the topic of freewikihow and must follow the guest posting guidelines given below, then we'll review your article and post it here.

We only accept articles related to our niche from blogs. So stay away from link builders! ! ! 

Freewikihow is a rapidly growing niche blog. If your article is accepted by us, you will get a back-link to your website or work (no affiliate links). You will get a lot of publicity from our readers. 

To write a book on Freewikihow, you will agree to follow the blog's following guidelines for guest posting.


This is the main Guideline, and quality is of paramount importance. We only accept articles written specifically for the site. If you mention the previous article on this site in the article, it would be greatly appreciated.

No Republishing Of Old Article

Please make sure you haven't submitted any articles copied from your own blog or some other place on the web. We strictly do not allow this. In other words, it must be a new submit you wrote. due to the fact we have no time to spend any copyright claims.

Topic Relevant To The Title

Your submission must not be completely unrelated to the title/topic you choose.

Minimum 1000 Words

This isn't always a strict tenet, due to the fact in case your writing is right, even in case your writing does no longer meet the minimum 1000 words, we can approve it, so if the content material is definitely brief, please ensure your presentation is attractive powerful and easy to understand.

Media Files

By adding a media document applicable to the post to the post, you can increase the chance to post the post.

Self Promotion

If you want to write a great article, we welcome you. In authority, you can freely connect to online journals or pages. There will be at most one back-link and no affiliate links. you'll include a link to your work here.

No Links To Unrelated Website Page Or Affiliate Links 

Similar to Rule 6, you can also connect to your work in your profile or blog. In any case, if you don’t mind, we will not understand the interface on a website that is not self-aware. This means that you cannot provide links to customers from articles. Any links you add to a post should be the reason for the article, or should be a link that returns to your page, but please do not use affiliate links. We maintain the required permissions to change different posts (for example, to resolve spelling errors or language errors), and to eliminate improper posts on the websites or markets that we accept. 

No Affiliate Connection

No Link merchandising 

No Link Staffing

Formatting Guideline

1). Format the guest post as an HTML document so that you can copy and paste it into the blogger HTML editor.
2). Use H2 or H3 for sub-Heading.
3). Add title attribute to img tags. 

4). Remember to include the author line at the bottom with a link to your website (don't spam keywords there).

If you follow our guidelines, you can send your article to my Email address.
In case you have any queries, please let me know through the contact form.